Community Builds


All suggested builds you’ll find here are created by players from all platforms – PC, XBOX and Playstation. The content is reviewed and published, including all information regarding its creator. We will continue to update this section as we find more content.

Healer Builds


Healer is a support role that can be taken by Clerics, Warlocks, Paladins and Bards. Clerics focus on heal over time skills, Warlocks offer burst single target heals, Paladins can increase the group’s max HP and provide defensive shields, while Bards sacrifice some healing power to offer massive buffs and debuffs to the group. 


Tank Builds


Tank is a support role that can be taken by Paladins, Fighters and Barbarians. As a Tank, you are in charge of leading your party and positioning the enemies. Paladins are great at holding aggro and provide support, Fighters have stronger block and higher stamina, while Barbarians count on their high stamina regeneration and aggressive playstyle.  


Damage Builds


Damage Dealer, or the popular DPS, is responsible for defeating all enemies. DDs can be quite squishy, so the more damage you can output, the faster your fights will be. This is the most common role to find in game, but not the easiest to play. As a DD you need to do your best to min/max your character – as well as find the best rotation to match your build.


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Created by Gamers, for Gamers.